Jet08IR.bas ProgramOverview: 'all IR received commands are translated and passed onto the Arduino. 'no learning is done by PicAxe08m2. '------------------------------------------ 'function keys '[f|] [f^] [f+] [fx] '================================================================= 'ACTIONS: '[^] - F '[v] - B '[>] - R '[<] - L '================================================================= 'COMMANDS '[0]-[8] - "0"-"8" '[Power] - "." - end, stop '[Power][Power] - "H" - Halt '[Power][Power][Power] - "S" - toggle walking '[f|] - "r" - record '[f^][0] - Xplore '[f^][1] - bip '[f^][2] - whee '[f^][3] - whoa '[f^][4] - chatter '[f^][5][1-8] - rock '[f^][6][1-8] - shuffle '[f^][9] - beAlive '[f^][-] - turn to near '[f^][+] - turn to far '[fx][fx] - "##" - quit '[fx][<] - "#<" - do default '[fx][>] - "#>" - resume '================================================================= 'REACTIONS: '[+] - "U" - R_Ping: '[-] - "GW" - R_Whiskers '================================================================= 'BEHAVIOURS: '[9][1] - "s1" - B_slow: '[9][2] - "s3" - B_medium: '[9][3] - "s5" - B_fast: '[9][4] - "bu-1","bu+2" - B_UStimid: '[9][5] - "bu-2","bu+4" - B_USnormal: '[9][6] - "bu-3","bu+6" - B_USbold: '=================================================================